Road Safety Week is organised by the charity Brake and occurs from 14th to 20th November 2022. It is an annual campaign that teaches children in schools, along with organisations and communities, about the importance of safety on the road. One of many ways you can protect yourself and others is to ensure you are wearing appropriate eyewear when behind the wheel. We’ve teamed up with Dr. Alex George and Mat Watson to demonstrate how wearing glasses with Transitions® Drivewear® lenses improves road safety.
In our modern lives, fast reactions on the road are essential. In order to react quickly to unexpected situations, you need to be able to drive without distraction.

At Glasses Direct, we have the option to add Transitions® Drivewear® lenses to your chosen frames. As the only polarised sun lens designed specifically for driving, Transitions® Drivewear® can adapt to changing light as a result of its advanced photochromic technology.
A quantitative study conducted by Professor Nicholas Roberts, measuring experimentally how Transitions® Drivewear® increased the change in perceived brightness of moving objects, found that the dynamic contrast of moving vehicles in your peripheral vision is increased by 27%.
Transitions® Drivewear® lenses combine light intelligent technology with polarisation to minimise reflective glare whatever the weather conditions at the time. The lenses also prevent impaired vision due to rapidly changing bright light. They react to UV and visible light for a smooth visual experience when you are driving. By default, they are a green-olive colour and darken behind the windshield of the car. The colour varies according to the light intensity. They can even adapt to provide increased protection from bright light when outdoors.
These are the colours that Transitions® Drivewear® lenses adapt to:

Olive green
In low light and overcast conditions, the lens is an olive-green colour for improved visibility. It offers high contrast for enhanced vision whilst outside and driving. The polarisation prevents glare which can impact your vision.

This distinctive technology means the lens becomes darker behind the windshield of the car for effective traffic signal recognition and enhanced contrast for the ultimate visual experience. The polarisation also prevents blinding glare for safety behind the wheel.

Bright sunlight
Dark brown
Transitions® Drivewear® lenses turn a dark-reddish brown when outdoors, helping to filter excess light and provide increased protection from intense sunlight. They block 100% of UVA/B rays when exposed to bright sunlight. When the lens changes to a copper colour, it provides enhanced contrast for optimum vision quality and safety. This ensures faster recognition and quicker reaction times.
Comfort and safety while driving on the road with Transitions® Drivewear®

Reliable and convenient, Transitions® Drivewear® lenses have an advanced design that makes them extremely practical as there is no need to change your eyewear whether you are outdoors or driving on the road. So, whatever your outdoor activities during the daytime, you can keep your eyewear on as these lenses are highly functional.
When it comes to safety behind the wheel, Transitions® Drivewear® is a reliable companion, offering a safe and comfortable driving experience. Learn more about our full range of Transitions® lenses on our website.
To discover the benefits of Transitions® Drivewear® lenses, watch this video from Mat Watson to see his honest reviews and how it helps to improve driving performance on the road.

More about Brake
Glasses Direct is a corporate donor for Brake, a road safety charity dedicated to preventing the tragedy of road deaths and serious injuries in road crashes. They make streets safe and healthy places for everyone. They also provide support services for road crash victims. Their corporate donors are an essential source of funding, helping them to carry out the vital work needed to care for road victims and to campaign for safety on the roads.