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Interesting facts about green eyes you need to know

Interesting facts about green eyes you need to know

It is hard to deny that green eyes are captivating, regardless of whether you are lucky enough to be blessed with them or you are green with envy thinking about it. We often associate the eye colour green with spirituality, beauty and wisdom. This is because it is very rare and people are often enchanted by it.

How rare is it to have this eye colour?

Only around 2% of people in the world have green eyes. This particular trait is common among individuals of European descent and also those born in Ireland and Scotland.

Interestingly there is a secluded village called Liqian in Western China, where a majority of the population has green eyes and blonde hair. These are very rare traits to inherit. It is believed that these inhabitants were descended from a Roman army who were mysteriously stranded in China.

Due to the rarity of this eye colour, it is no surprise that it is considered one of the most beautiful and attractive. It ranks very highly in many surveys.

Close-up of frame with green eyes wearing glasses, looking straight at you

What causes your eyes to be this colour?

The amount of melanin pigmentation in the outer layer of the iris determines what colour your eyes will be. While they may seem like a dazzling emerald colour to the observer, they actually have no pigment. They are the result of a genetic mutation that causes an individual to produce low amounts of melanin. The low amount of melanin results in the phenomenon known as Rayleigh scattering whereby light is reflected by the eyes. This is what makes them appear green. They are similar in many ways to blue eyes, except green eyes have more melanin.

At times, your eyes may appear to change colour but this is simply because of environmental factors like the lighting or your choice of clothes. This can make you perceive colours differently.

What are the genetics behind this eye colour?

Eye colour is influenced by various genes that create and distribute melanin. There are two variations of each gene, known as alleles. One is inherited from your mother and the other from your father. If the two alleles of a particular gene are different, the trait that is dominant will be shown. The trait that is concealed is referred to as recessive.

The eye colour brown is a dominant trait and blue is recessive. Meanwhile, green eyes are a mixture of both. Green eyes are recessive to brown but dominant to blue. In other words, if both parents have the dominant brown allele, it is probable your child will be born with brown eyes. This is also true if one parent has a dominant brown allele whilst the other has a recessive blue allele. Brown and green alleles will always overrule blue alleles. Yet, brown is more dominant than green.

Blue is recessive. If both parents have a blue allele, it is highly possible that their child will have blue eyes. However, if one parent has green eyes and the other blue, your child will be more likely to have green eyes, as this colour is dominant over blue.

In contrast to brown and blue, babies are not born with green eyes. It takes around six months to three years for this to develop.

What different shades of this eye colour are there?

Just like any eye colour, green eyes come in various different shades. You could have anything from bluey green to hazel green eyes. Dark green and grey-green eyes are also another possible alternative.

Close-up of male with green eye look to the left

Green vs. hazel eyes

Green eyes tend to be a more consistent shade. Whereas hazel eyes combine more than one colour. This includes green, brown and gold. The best way to recognise the difference is that hazel eyes tend to have flecks of other colours, while green eyes may vary in tone but will typically be one solid colour.

What health risks are associated with this eye colour?

Individuals with green eyes will need to take extra precautions. They should protect themselves from UV rays with a reliable pair of sunglasses. This is because this eye colour has less melanin than brown. The more melanin present, the better protected your eyes will be from UV rays. Much like people with baby blues, people who have this eye colour are more sensitive to bright sunlight. So, if you have a pair of emerald gems make sure you have your shades ready!

What colour glasses match my eyes?

Green eyes are best complemented by warm earthy colours, especially dark brown. They will also suit a bright Havana or gold-coloured frame. If you are keen to stand out from the crowd, we would suggest you pick a vibrant hue to contrast your natural eye colour, for example, red, pink, blue, or purple. Don’t be afraid to be a little adventurous with your choices!